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Student Handbook

black and white Lake Forest Academy book and bell logo

Student Handbook 2024-25


Letter From Head of School Office

Dear LFA Students, Parents, and Guardians,

The LFA Handbook contains advice, general guidelines, and contact information for LFA students and their families and is designed to help you understand the expectations, policies, and procedures at the Academy and also to provide a valuable directory of key school personnel. It is important to the Academy that we maintain clear lines of communication between the school, its students, and their families that help define expectations and enable the school to operate at the highest level.

We want to maximize the progress and potential of all of our students, including helping them solve their own problems within clearly stated guidelines and expectations. We hope that the Handbook will reinforce the trust that exists between the Academy, our students, and their families so we can work together successfully as partners.

We also anticipate that this Handbook will help our students become more responsible and help our families recognize the importance of allowing each individual student to develop independence. The role of both teachers and parents is to guide our students to a position where they can generate success for themselves through their own decisions and actions and to trust them to make significant progress in their lives as they address the issues around them during their high school years.

Together with the Head of School Office, other Deans, Faculty, and Staff, I look forward to the coming year and to working with our students and families to the benefit of every student individually and the LFA community as a whole. I want to thank our students for their commitment to the mission of the Academy–excellence in character, scholarship, citizenship, and responsibility–and our families for all of their support as we begin the 168th year of the school.

Tom Johnson
Interim Head of School

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