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Student Travel

Travel at LFA

Lake Forest Academy strives to embody in its practices and to cultivate in its students' excellence of character, scholarship, citizenship, and responsibility. Through experiential education, students expand their classroom to local, regional, national, and international communities where they hone their global competence, or “the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance,” as defined in "Educating for Global Competence" by Veronica Boix-Mansilla and Anthony Jackson.  

LFA travel programs expose our globally minded students to people, cultures, ideas, problems, and opportunities that allow for investigation of the world and its many complexities. Students reflect on their experiences and the different perspectives they encountered and sought. This inquiry informs their understanding and allows them to respond compassionately and responsibly to local, regional, and global issues. 

Our students continue their experiential journey beyond set travel dates. LFA students take scholarly action, leaning on their qualities of character to impact change for good. Our students have the courage to communicate through respectful dialogue and active listening, demonstrating their global leadership skills that enrich our LFA community.