Service Learning
Service at LFA
Our service-learning program at LFA challenges students to reflect on who they are and their role in the greater community, whether that be LFA or their hometown. In the process of service-learning, they investigate the root of social issues and learn how to engage with community partners to best support causes they are passionate about. All students at LFA will be exposed to service-learning in their sophomore Health, Wellness, & Community class where they will learn and apply the IPARD framework to their required class service project.
Interact Club
Interact Club serves as the umbrella organization for the majority of extracurricular service opportunities at LFA. Through Interact, students develop their leadership skills and discover the power of service. Members help run yearly events such as Project Pumpkin, the Fall Food Drive, and the spring Clothing Swap. They also participate in after school tutoring programs through North Chicago Community Partners and the Nuestro Center. Members are encouraged to propose their own service project ideas through local, national, and international organizations. Interact meets twice a month in the Stuart Center.