Student Life
When you are a Caxy, you can live on or off campus
As a boarding student you will live in one of the five single-sex dormitories on campus. Each dorm has resident faculty members either living within or assigned to a specific dorm.
If you are day student, chances are you will be spending most of your time on campus, so please know that you are encouraged to eat all three of your meals in the dining hall and take advantage of all our school sponsored weekend activities.
Traditions and Strong Values
As a Caxy, you will be representing Lake Forest Academy, where character, history, scholarship, school spirit, citizenship and responsibility are promoted so you will have the necessary skills to face your future with strength and confidence.
What is a Caxy?
In the late 1800s, LFA students started cheering from the crowd during sports events “coax, coax” – a tip of the hat to Aristophanes and one of his comedies The Frogs. Caxy is ancient Greek for “rrribbet.” It sounds weird, but trust us that you’ll love being a Caxy!