College Counseling
100% College Matriculation
Most popular destinations for LFA graduates (2021-24) include: University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (21), Northwestern University (18), New York University (15), University of Michigan (12), Indiana University (11), Wake Forest University (11), Washington University– St. Louis (10), Boston University (9), Duke University (8), University of Miami (8), Purdue University (7), University of Southern California (7), Emory University (7), Northeastern University (7), Harvard University (6).
Student to College Counselor Ratio
We get to know our students well. Our four counselors meet with students every seven academic days for 45 minutes starting second semester junior year.
Balanced Approach
We believe that college is a match to be made, not a prize to be won and that the most successful college processes are an exercise in self-awareness.
Median SAT Score
1430 is the median SAT exam composite for the Class of 2024.
200+ College Rep Visits to Campus
Admission officers from over 200 colleges and universities across the country and globe visit LFA every fall.
Global College Acceptances
In 2024, our 115 graduates attended 76 different institutions across 24 states and 5 countries.
Experienced Counselors
All of our counselors are former college admission officers, and are acutely aware of the misconceptions and misinformation this process can induce.
Our goal is to help students present their most authentic selves in the process, and leave LFA as more autonomous individuals with a greater sense of identity.