History & Social Science
Year-Long Courses
Year-Long Courses
World History 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
This course takes a thematic approach to the study of pre-modern world history and is a vital precursor to students’ later history courses at Lake Forest Academy. Topics that will be explored in this course include comparative religions, economics, political science, human and physical geography, sociology, anthropology, and archeology. Students will also be exposed to research and writing skills that will be valuable for further history study. This course is designed for 9th grade students.
World History 2
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
This course examines the history of the world from 1492 to the present, especially the nature and transformation of civilizations in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. Through class work, reading, essay writing, and research, students explore the interaction between these regions, competing economic and political systems, developing nationalism and the rise of the West, and industrial capitalism. Students do not need to have taken World History 1 to enroll in this course. This course is not open to 9th grade students.
AP World History
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Students who are not recommended may petition to the Department Chair.
[One Credit]
This course examines the history of the world from 1200 CE to the present with a review of world religions and philosophies that predate 1200. The purpose of the course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. The course emphasizes the use of analytical reading and writing skills, a critical evaluation of primary and secondary sources, analysis of historiography, oral presentations, and discussion groups. After the AP exam in May, the culminating project for the year will be a student-centered research paper. Sophomores who have earned an A- or higher in both their previous year’s English class and their previous year’s History class meet the requirements for this course, but they still must be recommended by their current history teacher.
United States History
- Prerequisite: World History 2 or AP World History
[One Credit]
This course surveys the history of the United States from the colonial period to the present, including national independence, slavery, the Civil War, urbanization and industrialization, the expanded role of the federal government, and the involvement of the United States overseas. Students review the U.S. Constitution and the operation of federal and state governments, and explore the experiences of women, workers, and ethnic and racial minorities. In addition to traditional unit tests, students also engage in debates, presentations, creative projects and undertake a major research project. This course is recommended for juniors and seniors.
AP United States History
- Prerequisite: World History 2 or AP World History and departmental approval. Students who are not recommended may petition to the Department Chair.
[One Credit]
This course covers similar topics to those in U. S. History but examines them in greater depth and devotes more time to considering changing historical interpretations. Instead of completing a single, large research paper, as is required in U.S. History, students in this course conduct smaller research projects throughout the year. This course also devotes time to preparing students for the sorts of questions that appear on the AP exam. Juniors and seniors who have earned an A- or higher in both their previous year’s English class and their previous year’s History class meet the requirements for this course, but they still must be recommended by their current history teacher.
Electives: Year-Long Courses
AP Economics
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This course is a college-level class that introduces students to the principles of economics and their application and relevance to current public policy issues. Students examine the development of the contemporary global economy and are introduced to the theoretical tools that help them analyze important economic and business issues. These tools include both micro- and macro-economic theory, which the students use to solve economic problems and construct a research paper on the international economy. Special attention is given to contemporary development concerns, such as issues in the economics of health, education, and the environment, as well as to the development of world trade and the expansion of global business. Specific time is also spent on practicing multiple-choice and free response answers in preparation for the AP examinations in micro- and macro-economics. This course is recommended for juniors and seniors who have earned a B+ or higher in their previous year’s history course.
AP United States & Comparative Government and Politics
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This year-long, college-level course examines the government institutions, politics and policy challenges of seven countries by uniquely blending both the AP United States Government and Politics course and the AP Comparative Government course. In addition to an in-depth examination of American government and politics, this course studies the institutions and policy-making of six core countries: the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Iran, Mexico, and Nigeria. Employing a comparative approach throughout, the content of this course changes as the political landscape of the world changes. Students develop the tools to critically analyze these global political developments as they occur. Assessments include traditional AP-like tests, but students also regularly engage in real-life project-based learning including debates, simulations and current event briefings. This course prepares students to take two AP Exams in the spring: United States Government and Politics and Comparative Government and Politics. This course is recommended for juniors and seniors with a keen interest in global politics.
Fall Semester Courses
Electives - Fall Semester Courses
A History of Human Rights in the Americas
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This student-centered course will provide a wide-ranging survey of conceptual foundations and issues in contemporary human rights in the United States and the Americas. The class will examine the philosophical origins of human rights, contemporary debates, the evolution of human rights, key human rights documents, and the questions of human rights enforcement with a particular focus on the United States and the Americas. Violations of human rights appear in many forms. They span the gamut from torture and human trafficking (modern-day slavery) to poverty and war atrocities, from religious persecution to gender and racial discrimination. Students will examine a wide array of topics including: a history of human rights and the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, historical examples of human rights violations in the United States and the Americas, contemporary issues in human rights, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights [health care, education, housing], environmental rights healthy environment, clean air, respect for the Earth, and sexual rights.
Introductory Economics
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This course introduces the basic principles of economics and their application and relevance to public policy issues. Emphasis is placed on the development, current state and future position of the political economy of the United States in an international context as well as introducing basic theoretical tools
to aid analysis of central economic issues and debates. The theory includes basic micro-economic models to explain market behavior and macro-economic models to explain price levels and output in national economies. The objectives of this course are to provide the basic tools for understanding fundamental economic issues and to stimulate thinking and consciousness on the central areas of debate.
Sports in America: Culture & History
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This course takes a deep dive into the importance of sports and athletes in forming the American identity. It will examine the culture of fandom, the levity of sporting events, and the history and impact of sports on politics and society. Using historical examples and current events, students will better understand the relationship between fans and athletes, and the role of both men and women’s sports in American culture, identity, and mentality. This course will build on the philosophical, ethical and economic movements in America in the 20th and 21st centuries. This course is reading and writing-intensive and students will engage in debates, research and argumentative writing.
Spring Semester Courses
Electives - Spring Semester Courses
A History of Global Human Rights
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This student-centered course will provide a wide-ranging survey of conceptual foundations and issues in contemporary human rights in regions outside of the Americas. The class will examine the philosophical origins of human rights, contemporary debates, the evolution of human rights, key human rights documents, and the questions of human rights enforcement with a particular focus on Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Violations of human rights appear in many forms. They span the gamut from torture and human trafficking (modern-day slavery) to poverty and war atrocities, from religious persecution to gender and racial discrimination. Students will examine a wide array of topics including: a history of human rights and the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, historical examples of human rights violations in the world, contemporary issues in human rights, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights [health care, education, housing], environmental rights healthy environment, clean air, respect for the Earth, and sexual rights.
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This course introduces students to the nature of business and entrepreneurship. It will focus on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur through the use of economic theory and the various skills one needs to start and run one’s own business. Students will learn how to identify, assess and develop a business plan as well as how to find and evaluate business opportunities. The role of marketing, accounting, risk assessment, and other mediums needed to become an entrepreneur will be covered extensively throughout the semester. Students will develop their own business models including a fast casual restaurant, a minor league sports franchise, a small business using a microloan, and marketing an original invention.
Sports in America: Economics & Politics
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Juniors and seniors.
Note: Seniors will be given priority if this course reaches capacity.
This course takes a deep dive into the importance of sports and athletes in forming the American identity. Specifically, this course focuses on the economic impact of sports, and political impact on leagues and players. Revenue is what allows sports to be relevant in American culture, and the sports industry is a multibillion-dollar American asset. Students will examine in what ways we consume men’s and women’s sports as well as the politics of sports in America and how they have contributed to foreign policy and diplomacy in the 20th and 21st centuries. This course is reading and writing-intensive and students will engage in debates, research and argumentative writing.