Year-Long Courses & Electives
Year-Long Courses
English 9: Foundations of Critical Reading & Expression
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Open to: Freshmen
This foundational course introduces and develops sound reading, writing, speaking, listening, and study skills. Students investigate a variety of literary genres, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama; compose critical and creative pieces; learn fundamental research methods and present their findings with the help of traditional and leading-edge media and technology; engage in and coordinate classroom discussions; give formal and informal speeches and performances; and bolster their command of vocabulary, grammar, and literary terms. Core texts include Ethan Frome, The Odyssey, and Romeo and Juliet. Students will read short stories and poetry from such writers as Edgar Allen Poe, Haruki Murakami, Chimamanda Adichie Ngozi, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Jamaica Kincaid, Oliver de la Paz, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
English 10: Society & the Self
- Prerequisite: English 9
[One Credit]
Open to: Sophomores
This course reinforces and extends students’ creative and critical thinking through texts that explore the complicated intersection of individual identity and societal systems - including dystopian worlds, family and community structures, the natural environment, and historic forms of systemic oppression. Students will hone their skills as critical readers, writers, and thinkers, and have ample opportunity to write about their own situations within societies that belong. The year culminates with a substantial personal essay, developed over the course of the spring semester and in consultation with the instructor. In addition to longer core texts, students will read multiple short pieces by writers such as Margaret Atwood, Lucy Tan, Octavia Butler, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, Adjei Brenyah, James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, and Ta-Nehisi Coates.
English 11: American Experiences in Literature and Composition
- Prerequisite: English 10
[One Credit]
Open to: Juniors
This course offers students opportunities to experience literature of various genres to promote their abilities as readers and writers while engaging them in deep critical thinking about ideas and social practices that shape American culture. The course is divided into thematic units that investigate the experiences and beliefs that have shaped American experiences such as immigration, the American Dream, and the struggle for freedom and equality. Students will read novels, short stories, poetry, and essays by diverse American voices both past (such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Martin Luther King, Jr.) and present (Elizabeth Acevedo, Celeste Ng, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Robin Wall Kimmerer). A daily writing practice offers students a space to think in response to reading, and frequent opportunities for composition deepen student’s capacity for close reading, self-expression, and independent thinking. NOTE: This course has a summer reading assignment due at the beginning of the year.
English 11: AP Language & Composition
- Prerequisite: English 10 & Department Approval
[One Credit]
Open to: Juniors
This college-level course is designed to challenge students through fiction and nonfiction texts spanning genres and historical time periods so they gain a broad understanding of the ways in which various writers use resources of language and argumentative techniques. Likewise, students are encouraged to adopt these stylistic and rhetorical strategies to empower them as confident, flexible, and expressive writers. In preparing for the AP English Language and Composition Exam, students will work on critical reading skills, rhetorical analysis, synthesis, and argumentation. Assessments include timed writings, process papers, and tests based on “cold” readings. In addition to longer core texts, students will read multiple short pieces by writers such as Judith Cofer-Ortiz, Kesaya E. Noda, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Zora Neale Hurston, Rachel Carson, Annie Dillard, Deborah Tannen, Jonathan Swift, and Patrick Henry. NOTE: This course has a summer reading assignment due at the beginning of the year.
Senior Elective Courses
*Note: Senior courses are open to sophomores and juniors as noted. These courses may be taken concurrently with their required grade-level course. These additional courses will count towards a general elective credit, but not an English Department credit. Departmental approval is required.
AP English Literature & Composition
- Prerequisite: Global Literatures or AP Lang, and departmental approval
[One Credit]
Open to: Seniors
This is a college-level course for students who have demonstrated a keen interest in literature and success in analytical writing. The course is designed to further cultivate those students’ critical capacities as readers and writers through studying a wide variety of authors, styles, and literary periods. Classes are predominantly discussion-based, with particular emphasis on the finer points of literary craftsmanship. The course requires reading with breadth and depth; students should expect 30-40 pages of nightly reading and frequent writing assignments. Students are evaluated on the basis of their mastery of content and terminology, the precision and clarity of their analytical writing, and the originality of their creative expression. While the course will prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam, its larger aim is to cultivate in them an appreciation of the lifelong value of engaged reading and lively critical thinking. In addition to longer core texts, AP students will read numerous shorter works by authors such as Elizabeth Bishop, Theodore Roethke, Gwendolyn Brooks, Langston Hughes, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Jean Toomer, John Donne, Ernest Hemingway, and others. NOTE: This course has a summer reading assignment due at the beginning of the year.
Advanced Journalistic Writing and Reporting
- Prerequisite: Journalism 1 and 2
[One Credit]
Open to: Seniors
In this course, leadership, project management and brand development/management as they relate to writing are taught as well as media literacy with an emphasis on accurate and equitable representation of populations in the news. In addition to taking a leadership role in the management and execution of assignments, students will also serve as writers, reporters, and commentators, focusing on honing their writing skills through pieces that require more advanced nuance, style, and reflection. This will include hard news, opinion, sports, digital media, and podcasting. Students will also need to independently monitor a consistently published workload, including written assignments and editorial responsibilities for the monthly paper, as well as creating written and multimedia content for a daily updated website. Some students will take on leadership roles such as an Editor in Chief or a Managing Editor for one of the sections of the print and digital editions of the school’s newspaper, The Spectator. Students will be graded according to editorial leadership, ability to meet deadlines, and the quality and growth of their report writing. Throughout the course, students will engage in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and performing activities.
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Open to: Seniors
In addition to reading traditional texts, multiliteracies explores the impact and influence of mass media and popular culture by examining texts such as films, songs, video games, action figures, advertisements, clothing, billboards, television shows, magazines, newspapers, photographs, and websites. These texts abound in our electronic information age, and the messages they convey, both overt and implied, can have a significant influence on students’ lives. For this reason, critical thinking as it applies to media products and messages assumes a special significance. Understanding how various texts are constructed and why they are produced enables students to respond to them intelligently and responsibly. This course will examine fact and opinion, the credibility of sources, and bias. This course will focus on different kinds of literacy skills in the 21st century, including media, film, and digital literacies. Throughout the course, students will engage in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and performing activities.
Journalism Electives
Open to all grades.
Journalism 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]: Does not count toward English graduation requirement
Open to: All grades
Journalism I is designed to give students an introduction to several key journalistic skills and topics, including the responsibilities of being a journalist, journalistic ethics and law, news writing, features writing, opinion writing, sports writing, becoming a more powerful, more readable writer, interviewing, developing a nose for news, covering a beat, copy editing, writing headlines and photography basics. Students will also gain exposure and practice in the modern news world of digital media, including web editorial writing and the role of social media platforms and podcasting. Many of the lessons presented in class will focus on real world examples, using both professional publications and The Spectator as starting points for discussion. No previous experience is required; personal integrity and an eagerness to learn are required. After taking this course, students will be eligible to join and write for the newspaper. Students will try their hand in all genres of newspaper writing during the year. Students will be graded according to effort, meeting deadlines, and mastery of class topics.
Journalism 2
- Prerequisite: Journalism 1
[One Credit]: Does not count toward English graduation requirement
Open to: All grades
This course will give students the opportunity to learn about journalism firsthand by producing a monthly newspaper, corresponding news website, and developing content for various social media platforms in a professional manner, just as they would in many of today’s journalism and marketing positions. Every student focuses on producing the print publication, but also gains skills and experience working on the digital publication and podcasting concurrently. Students write in a variety of genres, from straight news writing to features and opinion writing. Students will cover beats around the school and will have real input into what goes into print or onto the web each month. Due to the team- and deadline-driven nature of publication, students on the newspaper must be willing to communicate proactively and openly about the status of their ongoing work with their classmates and the teacher and show a real commitment to meeting deadlines consistently. The class will help students develop the following skills: effective and powerful writing for publication, multimedia journalism, time management, making ethical decisions in a real-world setting, working with others to get jobs done, effective reporting, effective interviewing, and giving and receiving feedback. Students will utilize their basic photography, page design, and graphic skills introduced in Journalism I, while enhancing and building upon those skills throughout the year. The publication process will also afford opportunities to explore some concrete and theoretical topics of journalism, based upon the national trends or stories of the day.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Year-Long Courses
English Language Learners (ELL)
In place of history and other English courses, students in grades 9 or 10 who need intensive English training are required to take two English Language Learner (ELL) courses: ELL Literature and ELL Rhetoric and Composition. These two year-long courses meet every day and are designed to give students the English language fluency to be successful in history & social science classes, as well as in other English courses at LFA. The courses are designed to provide additional support with English grammar, reading and writing, as well as create a foundation for academic research at LFA.
ELL Rhetoric & Composition
(Grade 9 or 10)
- Prerequisite: Placement Exam
[One Credit]
This course focuses on the acquisition and application of the English language, with emphasis placed on diction, syntax, speaking and listening, critical reading and annotating, and advancing composition skills. Throughout the course, students will develop their higher-level thinking skills while forming and supporting opinions through various types of writing and speaking. Writing will include exposition, literary analysis, argumentation, and creative responses. One day each cycle will be dedicated to workshopping writing assignments from other classes. The course will be reflected on the student's transcript as an English credit for the year.
Semester-Long Electives
Senior Elective Courses
*Note: Senior courses are open to sophomores and juniors as noted. These courses may be taken concurrently with their required grade-level course. These additional courses will count towards a general elective credit, but not an English Department credit. Departmental approval is required.
Electives - Fall Semester Courses
Creative Writing Workshop
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval for Sophomores and Juniors
[One-half Credit]: Does not count toward English graduation requirement for Sophomores and Juniors
Open to: Sophomores and Juniors with Departmental Approval, and all Seniors
Students in this course learn to write in a variety of genres, including fiction, poetry, drama, and personal narrative, and may choose to specialize in one or more of these. The class emphasizes the process of creating original pieces from brainstorming and revision through final draft and possible submission for publication. The workshop format provides not only also group analysis of models by established authors, but also collegial discussion of original student work. Learning to read as writers seeking to discover and adopt the techniques found in those models aids students in producing a final portfolio of their work. This one-semester course can be taken either semester but not both.
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval for Sophomores and Juniors
[One-half Credit]: Does not count toward English graduation requirement for Sophomores and Juniors
Open to: Sophomores and Juniors with Departmental Approval, and all Seniors
The emphasis in this class is on the written preparation for an oral debate rather than the debate itself; however, the debate performance requires students to anticipate and offer rebuttals to the opponent’s argument with poise and confidence. Students will engage in sound research practices to locate credible evidence about current issues and events before writing a claim that is then developed through effective organization and reasoned arguments. This one-semester course can be taken either semester but not both.
Mystery, Murder, & Mayhem in Detective Fiction
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Seniors
As the old saying goes, “if it bleeds, it leads,” and it’s true: fictional mysteries have captivated hearts and minds for centuries. This first semester course will begin by analyzing classic tales of horror and suspense before moving on to contemporary “whodunits” in short stories, novels, plays, and films. A literature circle unit that allows students to choose from a list of novels written by and featuring diverse perspectives will culminate in a creative writing assignment in which students emulate detective fiction in an original story. Throughout the course students will improve their skills in critical thinking, close reading, argumentative writing, creative writing, and discussion.
Cuisine, Culture, and Community in Asian Literature
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Seniors
In this course, students will explore Asian and Asian American literature from the 20th century into the contemporary period through a range of texts spanning from novels and films to cookbooks and the items stocked in local grocery stores. The class will build upon students’ reading, analytical, and writing skills through a diverse range of texts that center around celebrating the diversity of Asian cultures and cuisines found globally and within our community and examine how the kitchen and dining table serve as places for gathering, reflection, and growth. This course is for any foodie, those who have found themselves drooling over Studio Ghibli food, and anyone who is interested in indulging in rich and delectable texts.
Global Perspectives: Short Stories & The Human Experience
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
In this course, we will take a fascinating journey exploring global perspectives and identity through short stories. In this English elective, you are invited to embark on a literary adventure that transcends geographic borders and cultures. Through a diverse selection of short stories from around the world, this course will take you on a captivating exploration of the human experience in various settings, traditions, and, of course, perspectives. The texts will not always be easy, but each will invite you to think deeply about our varied experiences as people. The primary goal of this course is to broaden your literary horizons and cultivate a deeper understanding of the world's diverse cultures, societies, and viewpoints. We will explore stories from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. By delving into the narratives crafted by writers from different corners of the globe, you will not only hone your analytical and critical thinking skills but also develop a profound appreciation for the universal themes that connect us all as humans. More than anything, reading literature from around the world will deepen your empathy and spark your desire to learn more about the beautiful human family.
Electives - Spring Semester Courses
Race, Gender, & Identity through Shakespeare
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Seniors
Shakespeare, arguably the most influential author of the English language, and credited with “the invention of the human,” continues to delight—or haunt—generations of students with his daunting body of work. Increasingly dismissed as “old,” “difficult,” or worse,“irrelevant,” his work continues to endure for its prescient consideration of what makes people people. In ways that might seem surprisingly contemporary, Shakespeare’s works often operate at an intersection of race, gender, identity, and the ways these factors shape our worlds—all with a flair for the dramatic. Students will conduct rigorous, close reading of Shakespeare’s work—both as text and in performance—identifying key literary terms and techniques, but ultimately in order to consider through the Bard’s plays and sonnets the pressing questions of both the Early Modern world and our own: “who am I,” “why am I here,” and “how do I make sense of any of this?”
Creative Writing Workshop
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval for Sophomores and Juniors
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Sophomores and Juniors with departmental approval and Seniors
This class provides students the opportunity to develop their ability to compose a variety of texts, including—but not limited to— creative fiction and nonfiction, poetry, argumentation, analysis, and personal narrative. The course focuses on writing as a process with a strong emphasis on revision using the workshop mode. Class discussions will incorporate a focus on the analysis and consideration of different writing styles and genres from a variety of mentor texts, as well as their physics of form—how and why they “work.” Other activities will involve enhancing their ability to read and analyze selected models of prose writing, as well as synthesize those authors' ideas. Throughout the course, students will engage in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and performing activities that will culminate in a finished, polished portfolio—a body of work that reflects their various artistic and critical compositions . This one-semester course can be taken either semester but not both.
Get a Clue: True Crime Stories
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Seniors
With the 24-hour news cycle and our immediate and endless access to media, true crime is at our fingertips more so than ever before, and new mediums–such as the hit podcast Serial–have proliferated. This second semester course will shift from fictional stories to true crime as students trace changing attitudes about race, gender, mental illness, and morality in relatively new genres of investigative journalism in podcasts and documentaries. After a full-class study of Truman Capote’s iconic nonfiction novel In Cold Blood, students will engage in independent reading, research, and panel discussions in order to hone skills in critical thinking, close reading, argumentative writing, and discussion. Anyone interested in this course should note that we will discuss the nature of these crimes with respect and avoid sensationalizing in order to honor victims’ stories and work to build understanding, awareness, and empathy.
Immigration and Integration in Asian Literature
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Open to: Seniors
In this course, students will explore Asian and Asian American literature and storytelling beginning with children’s folktales and fairy tales and ending with modern-day depictions of Asian life, literature, and culture in film and television. The class will focus on equipping students with contextual knowledge of the histories of various Asian populations, tracing these histories through to the contemporary period, and building upon students’ reading, analytical, and writing skills through a diverse range of stories told by Asian immigrants and their following generations.
- Prerequisite: Departmental Approval for Sophomores and Juniors
[One-half Credit]: Does not count toward English graduation requirement for Sophomores and Juniors
Open to: Sophomores and Juniors with Departmental Approval, and all Seniors
This course provides a study of debate techniques in writing and performance. The course develops learners to see the power of deploying rational, reasoned arguments and compelling evidence in action. It enables them to elucidate their standpoint through rhetorical eloquence; instills in debaters a great sense of poise and confidence; and teaches them the skills of researching, organizing, and presenting information in a compelling fashion. The course will help prepare students to compete in interscholastic debates should they be interested. Throughout the course, students will engage in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and performing activities and may cover such topics as Lincoln-Douglas debate, public forum debate, parliamentary debate, and parliamentary procedure. This one semester course can be taken either semester but not both.