Fine & Performing Arts
Courses by Department 2024
Year-Long Courses
Year-Long Courses
Acting 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
If you’ve ever wondered what it would feel like to act onstage, or if you’ve acted before and are looking for a structured exploration of the craft, this course is an approachable and methodical introduction to live performance. Students will finish the course comfortable and confident onstage, able to create a character, react to dramatic circumstances, use their voice and body effectively, and work on a creative team. This yearlong class focuses on auditions, fundamentals of voice and movement, interpreting monologue, beginning scene work and analysis, and ensemble movement, acting, and collaboration.
Advanced Acting
- Prerequisite: Acting 1 or departmental approval
[One Credit]
For students who have completed Acting I or who have substantial previous acting experience, this class is the challenging next step in contemporary performance technique as well as period styles. Students will deepen their ability to create and portray characters and to analyze scripts from an actor’s perspective, to interact with directors and ensemble members in both scripted and devised processes, and to best understand their voice and body as instruments.
Advanced Studio Art
- Prerequisite: Two or more consecutive visual arts courses or departmental approval.
[One Credit]
This is a rigorous course, which requires the production of an extensive portfolio. Through direct teacher instruction, individual and group critiques, and independent focused studio activity and research, students will acquire the conceptual, technical, and critical abilities to execute their personal ideas and complete a portfolio which demonstrates mastery in concept, composition, and execution. A major gallery exhibition will be presented in late spring featuring work completed during the year. This course is open to juniors and seniors. Open Cressey hours in addition to class periods are required as part of the expectations of this course.
AP Art History
- Prerequisite: World History 2 (including concurrent enrollment)
[One Credit]
This course offers a broad, global survey of the world’s various artistic traditions from antiquity to present day. The course familiarizes students with some of history’s most important achievements in the visual arts and architecture, as well as with larger patterns of artistic production and consumption that unfolded over time. Students also learn to recognize the ways in which art-making intersects with other cultural formations, such as religion, economies of exchange, and political ideologies among others, and in turn how these contexts can be Used to construct historically-grounded interpretations of art objects. Assessments consist principally of exams and papers that will reinforce students’ capacity for visual analysis and evidence-based observation and interpretation. Students with no studio art experience are welcome to take the course.
AP Music Theory
- Prerequisite: Departmental approval
[One Credit]
In AP Music Theory students first learn fundamental rudiments of music reading, writing, and listening. Beginning with basic note identifications and music organization, students will progress through learning elements of harmony, rhythm, and musical structure. Second semester course content includes such topics as advanced harmony, analysis, composition, sight-singing, harmonic and melodic dictation, and form. Ear training skills are emphasized through written and aural topics. While musical study will focus on Classical and Romantic era music, jazz and popular styles will also be discussed.
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Choir offers students an intense and enjoyable vocal performance opportunity, featuring a wide range of repertoire from popular music to substantial choral works. Topics relating to music theory and history are taught in conjunction with ensemble repertoire. The choir performs four major concerts per year for Parents Weekend, Winter Concert, Oratorio Concert and Spring Pops Concert, and also sings for numerous other smaller events such as all school meetings, admissions events and alumni events. The choir has established an impressive history of hosting Visiting Artist performances and master classes with Broadway composers and performers such as Jason Robert Brown, Zina Goldrich, Marcy Heisler, Liz Callaway, Lucas Steele and Scott Coulter. Previous choral experience is encouraged but not required for participation in Choir.
- Prerequisite: Advanced Acting or departmental approval
[One Credit]
Working with actors, technicians, musicians, and writers to communicate a vision to an audience is complex, challenging, and deeply satisfying. Directing requires a focused and well-rounded interpretive artist and a skilled leader. This course is an in-depth study of theater directing and the collaborative process involved in producing a play. Focuses include script analysis, thematic research, concept development, and actor coaching. Students will be required to think creatively, act industriously, and communicate effectively. Participants will develop essential skills in collaboration and project management. They will work with peer actors, present directed work to the LFA community, and learn to process critical feedback from their collaborators and audience.
Electronic Music Ensemble
- Prerequisite: Advanced Music Production or departmental approval
[One Credit]
This course serves to give students an outlet for collaborative exploration, improvisation, and organized performance of both the traditional dance-oriented and the experimental forms of electronic music. Heavy emphasis is placed on group composition and improvisation, while iOS fluency remains paramount to an individual musician’s success in the course. Students may expect to demonstrate the musical potential of various technologies, interpret notated pieces (for both solo and ensemble), collaborate with other musicians in composing new works for group performance, develop programming and sequencing skills using DAWs and Object Oriented Programming tools, improvise within loosely structured pieces, and purposefully experiment with new musical forms. Electronic Music Ensemble musicians use both hardware devices and traditional desktop platforms such as Logic Pro X, FL Studio, or Ableton Live. A series of performances will be scheduled throughout the academic year.
Intermediate Ceramics
- Prerequisite: Ceramics II or departmental approval.
[One Credit]
This course is a continuation of hand-building techniques, wheel throwing, and other advanced techniques. This class focuses on the creative approach to each project, starting with sketches and thumbnails, planning the construction of the complex pieces with both hand-building, wheel throwing and slip casting techniques. In addition, students will experience glaze mixing and testing with the goal of creating personalized glazes. They will also extend their ceramic/art history and theory research to fuel the development of content in their own artwork. This course meets three times per cycle for two semesters.
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
Orchestra is offered to students who have an instrumental performance background and a desire to perform great instrumental works together. Orchestra members must have at least a basic level of independent musical ability on their instruments, as well as experience playing in other large ensembles. Students will prepare music for performances while gaining musical skills from scale playing, basic music theory, and rhythm reading. While there is no set requirement for individual practice, students are expected to maintain a satisfactory level of performance on all assigned music. Orchestra performs at various times throughout the year including Parents Weekend, seasonal concerts, Graduation, and Move-Up Day. Other performance opportunities include Alumni Weekend, the LFA Spring Gala, and school assemblies. Additional performances may include, but are not limited to, off-campus concerts and adjudications.
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
This course is an introduction to the overarching concepts and ideas of both film and digital photography and will also incorporate aspects of video, film, and animation. You will be introduced to a wide variety of tools and techniques surrounding photography and digital media including 35mm film and cameras, film scanners, mobile devices and apps, digital SLR cameras, film and paper development, and digital darkroom techniques. Ultimately, you will spend much of the time in the “making” phase. The class will focus on experimentation and understanding of basic concepts within these mediums. The goal is to get to a point where you can utilize the concepts and techniques in order to create more thought-provoking art pieces that express an idea and are visually appealing.
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
This course is an introduction to piano playing and music concepts through a group-learning format. Students work together to learn beginning musical skills such as note reading and rhythm, and apply them daily in their musical efforts. Class activities include technique skills such as scales and arpeggios, group pieces, and solo repertoire. Regular assignments and playing assessments are given, and individual practice outside of class time is stressed to help develop playing ability. The highlight of each semester is a class piano recital performed for friends and family. This class is intended for pianists at the beginning level, and more advanced pianists should speak with the instructor about individual lessons.
2D Studio: Drawing, Painting, & Printmaking
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
In this course, we will work from the basis of both imagined and observational two-dimensional art making in order to develop and express our ideas visually. We will work with a variety of drawing, painting and printmaking materials as we explore the development of artistic compositions. The course will focus on experimentation and understanding of basic concepts as we seek to discover, refine, and enhance our individual artistic styles. Moreover, this course is designed to promote experimental thinking and risk-taking within the two-dimensional medium. Art media might include: graphite, colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and oil paint. We will explore various techniques for rendering the illusion of objects in space including the use of simple shapes, ellipses, construction lines, perspective, negative space, and the manipulation of light and shadow. The emphasis is on the acquisition of skills and the recognition and development of personal style.
Yearbook: Publications
- Prerequisite: None
[One Credit]
This course teaches students the skills required to create and produce a book which reflects journalistic standards. Students will also learn to write copy, captions, and headlines; take digital photography; create desktop publishing, and use appropriate technology tools for media production. In order to accomplish these objectives, the course will devote time to the following: desktop publishing with eDesign, incorporating advanced design principles such as grid design, and understanding layered coverage while developing student leadership skills and decision-making.
Fall Semester Courses
Electives - Fall Semester Courses
Ceramics 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course introduces students to creating and using the pottery wheel by sculpting clay by hand. Students will learn various techniques for adorning the surface of their clay objects using glazing and printmaking methods. Students will explore the historical significance of ceramics in various cultures as well as the aesthetic traditions of making functional pottery. Through this exploration, students will become proficient in a number of skills that are used when working with clay, including: throwing and trimming work on the pottery wheel, slab building, coiling, and basic surface decoration techniques.
3D Design
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
3D Design is an active class where students will engage in generating ideas, solving problems, thinking, and visualizing three-dimensionally through the understanding of the fundamentals of design. Students will examine historical examples of design challenges and their successful and failed outcomes. In addition, students will be responsible for developing successful design solutions for both individual and group projects. Students will explore fabrication techniques for a variety of materials; will learn how to make models, and use computer-aided design programs to illustrate their design concepts.
Electronic Music 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
From beat production to experimental music, technology plays a foundational role in the creation of music today. In this class, we dive right in with simple tools that will have you making music regardless of your previous experience. As the semester progresses, you will learn the processes in order to take
your music to the next level while learning more advanced skills in production. A large portion of the technology in class will be provided, including access to professional-level music production software (Logic Pro X). iPads are required for use with TableTop, which is a free app that will require some in-app instrument purchases. By the end of the term, you will be ready to produce your own beats, program synths for EDM, or record original music.
Foundations in the Visual Arts
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course will give students the foundational skills and content needed to pursue classes within the visual arts while exploring their creativity. Explorations will be made through the study of paintings, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking, and experimental art. Students will engage in project based learning opportunities and learn to critique work whilst decoding their own aesthetic expressions. Through projects, peer critique, and discussion, students will gain an understanding of the limits and potential of the various two- and three-dimensional media— including painting, ceramics, photography, printmaking, and multimedia—through experimentation and process. Close looking at works made by artists past and present will complement these projects to familiarize students with the principal design elements that artists use purposefully to elicit audience responses and introduce them to a common vocabulary for referring to those elements and their effects. Strongly recommended for all students interested in the Visual Arts.
Glass 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals using glass to create functional and sculptural art. Students will be introduced to glass kilns, programming computerized controllers, creating firing schedules, annealing, mold making, lost wax casting, coldworking, and fusing and slumping processes. As a class we will examine historical, technical, and contemporary practices in studio glass, as well as examining the work of a number of contemporary studio glass artists.
Introduction to Digital Art and Design
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Introduction to Digital Art and Design is a dynamic and comprehensive course designed for high school students interested in exploring the exciting realm of digital art and design. Through this course, students will learn the fundamental principles and techniques necessary to create visually stunning digital artwork, illustrations, and designs using a variety of digital tools and software.
Public Speaking 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
There is no field of endeavor in which participants do not benefit greatly from effective skills in communication and persuasion. Confident bearing, ability to craft convincing arguments, and facility with language are universal keys to success. This course teaches methods, strategies, and physical techniques for speaking in front of an audience. Students will learn to formulate specific purpose statements, analyze and adapt to audiences, organize ideas, recognize rhetorical and logical strategies, choose language deliberately, construct outlines, and write and deliver credible presentations, becoming more effective speakers and more critical audience members.
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course is recommended for students who want to gain a basic understanding of the concepts and materials used in creating three-dimensional artworks. Students will be introduced to a comprehensive range of sculpture techniques and will work with a variety of mediums including clay, glass, textiles, paper, plaster and metal. During the course of the semester students will become familiar with different art forms and practices used by various cultures throughout the world.
Theater Technology 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This is an introductory course which investigates the technical aspects of designing and running a theatrical production. This course will introduce students to the basic principles of scenic design, sound design, and lighting design as well as other aspects of technical theater. Students will learn to safely use many of the tools and equipment required to set the stage for a performance. Students will be involved in all aspects of production, from conceptualization and construction to operation and management. As an aspect of the course, students will be required to serve as technical crew for many of the Academy’s productions and special events.
Woodworking 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course is designed to expose students to the fundamental elements and skills of basic woodworking. Students will understand the safe, effective and efficient use of both hand and power tools, while emphasizing craftsmanship, planning, and finishing. As students progress, they will create various woodworking projects that reinforce and challenge skills while exploring areas of functional object making.
Writing for Stage and Screen
- Prerequisite: English 9, Acting 1 or departmental approval
[One-half Credit]
Does the notion of seeing characters you’ve created come to life (played by actors) interest you? Have you ever considered writing your own one-act play? How about performing a monologue in your own voice or as a character as in “The Santaland Diaries” or "Miranda Sings”? Would you like to perform slam
poetry, or create a scripted podcast like “Welcome to Nightvale” or “36 Questions”? Students in this course analyze classic or critically lauded text from each form (traditional representation one-acts, monologue, slam, and scripted podcast), identifying and discussing essential components and values including character voice, plotting, pacing, and “movement in space.” Once familiar with the structure and requirements of the studied forms, students will develop a portfolio of their own work, responding to technique-specific writing prompts and utilizing daily feedback from peer writers, performers, and the instructor in a writing lab/workshop environment. In addition to creating theatrical artifacts, students will gain critical insight towards the appreciation of scripted performance. Students will see and critique live performance on and off-campus and work by each student will be performed publicly by the authors or using student actors from within and without the class.
Spring Semester Courses
Electives - Spring Semester Courses
Advanced Music Production
- Prerequisite: Electronic Music 1 or departmental approval
[One-half Credit]
Once you are familiar with the creative process in Ableton Live, Soundtrap, and other production tools (from EM1), you are ready to delve into the world of advanced music production and collaborative music making. This class will focus primarily on development of musical style and composition technique through guided tutorials, discussions about basic music theory, and listening assignments. Students will engage in project-based learning activities that require them to compose a piece of music within certain parameters, then look to add their own ideas through the editing and mixing process. The class will include opportunities to share finished work with the community in a variety of venues.
Ceramics 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course introduces students to creating and using the pottery wheel by sculpting clay by hand. Students will learn various techniques for adorning the surface of their clay objects using glazing and printmaking methods. Students will explore the historical significance of ceramics in various cultures as well as the aesthetic traditions of making functional pottery. Through this exploration, students will become proficient in a number of skills that are used when working with clay, including: throwing and trimming work on the pottery wheel, slab building, coiling, and basic surface decoration techniques.
Ceramics 2
- Prerequisite: Ceramics 1 or departmental approval
[One-half Credit]
This course builds on skills learned and practiced in Ceramics I. Students in Ceramics II move on to more challenging techniques in hand-building, including coil pots and large-scale slab construction. Wheel work focuses on mastering form and throwing larger, more complex work. An introduction and mastery of mold making and slip casting techniques will be discussed. Self-evaluation and weekly practice outside of class time are important parts of the learning process throughout the course.
3D Design
- Prerequisite: None
- [One-half Credit]
3D Design is an active class where students will engage in generating ideas, solving problems, thinking, and visualizing three-dimensionally through the understanding of the fundamentals of design. Students will examine historical examples of design challenges and their successful and failed outcomes. In addition, students will be responsible for developing successful design solutions for both individual and group projects. Students will explore fabrication techniques for a variety of materials; will learn how to make models, and use computer-aided design programs to illustrate their design concepts.
Glass 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals using glass to create functional and sculptural art. Students will be introduced to glass kilns, programming computerized controllers, creating firing schedules, annealing, mold making, lost wax casting, coldworking, and fusing and slumping processes. As a class we will examine historical, technical, and contemporary practices in studio glass, as well as examining the work of a number of contemporary studio glass artists.
Glass 2
- Prerequisite: Glass 1
[One-half Credit]
This course provides an opportunity for experienced Glass students to explore the sculptural, conceptual, and functional aesthetics of glass as an artistic media. Students will gain a thorough knowledge of glass chemistry to understand how to manipulate copper, sulfur, and lead bearing glasses to produce color reactions. As a class we will explore advanced techniques for working in kiln-formed glass such as; glass casting, mold-making, printing imagery on glass and triaxial blending to develop custom glass colors.
Introduction to Digital Art and Design
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
Introduction to Digital Art and Design is a dynamic and comprehensive course designed for high school students interested in exploring the exciting realm of digital art and design. Through this course, students will learn the fundamental principles and techniques necessary to create visually stunning digital artwork, illustrations, and designs using a variety of digital tools and software.
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of design as they apply to printmaking. Students will work with a wide range of materials and processes from block printing and linoleum cut to drypoint, silkscreen, and relief printing. Both press and non-press techniques will be explored and students will produce limited edition prints on various types of paper. An emphasis will be placed on technical skill, aesthetics, and on traditional and contemporary expressions of this art form. A drawing background is recommended.
Public Speaking 1
- Prerequisite: None
[One-half Credit]
There is no field of endeavor in which participants do not benefit greatly from effective skills in communication and persuasion. Confident bearing, ability to craft convincing arguments, and facility with language are universal keys to success. This course teaches methods, strategies, and physical techniques for speaking in front of an audience. Students will learn to formulate specific purpose statements, analyze and adapt to audiences, organize ideas, recognize rhetorical and logical strategies, choose language deliberately, construct outlines, and write and deliver credible presentations, becoming more effective speakers and more critical audience members.
Public Speaking 2
- Prerequisite: Public Speaking 1
[One-half Credit]
Public Speaking 2 builds upon the fundamental concepts of speech organization and presentation from Public Speaking 1. The course will explore the composition and execution of a variety of extemporaneous speeches from elevator pitches to product reviews. Students will focus on staying audience-centered and benefits focused, organizing thoughts quickly and practically and staying enthusiastic but conversational in their delivery. The course will benefit students considering a variety of education and career paths, including business, media, public policy, and the hard sciences.
Theater Technology 2
- Prerequisite: Theater Technology 1
[One-half Credit]
This course offers a more comprehensive study into the various elements of technical theater production, including lighting, sound, and scenic design. Continuing themes from the previous course, students will explore various production roles, and develop management and production skills while creating and implementing original technical designs. Students will be expected to draw on knowledge from the previous course while mastering new concepts and skills. Students will be involved in all levels of production, from conceptualization and construction through operation and management. As an aspect of the course, students will serve as technical crew for many of the Academy’s productions and special events.
Woodworking 2
- Prerequisite: Woodworking 1
[One-half Credit]
Woodworking 2 is a semester-long course designed to build upon the skills and concepts gained within the Woodworking 1 course. Students will use many of the same tools from the first course but with different operations expecting different results. This course will challenge students to develop compound problem-solving skills while working to develop self reliance, higher-order tool skills, ingenuity, and perseverance.
Writing for Stage and Screen
- Prerequisite: English 9, Acting 1, or departmental approva
[One-half Credit]
Does the notion of seeing characters you’ve created come to life (played by actors) interest you? Have you ever considered writing your own one-act play? How about performing a monologue in your own voice or as a character as in “The Santaland Diaries” or “Miranda Sings”? Would you like to perform slam poetry, or create a scripted podcast like “Welcome to Nightvale” or “36 Questions”? Students in this course analyze classic or critically lauded text from each form (traditional representation one-acts, monologue, slam, and scripted podcast), identifying and discussing essential components and values including character voice, plotting, pacing, and “movement in space.” Once familiar with the structure and requirements of the studied forms, students will develop a portfolio of their own work, responding to technique-specific writing prompts and utilizing daily feedback from peer writers, performers, and the instructor in a writing lab/workshop environment. In addition to creating theatrical artifacts, students will gain critical insight towards the appreciation of scripted performance. Students will see and critique live performance on and off-campus and work by each student will be performed publicly by the authors or using student actors from within and without the class.
Arts Concentration
Arts Concentration
The Arts Concentration program invites disciplined students with exceptional ability in the arts to further develop their talents within the context of a rigorous academic program. In addition to specific course requirements, Concentration students will have the opportunity to improve their skills during after- school lessons, programs, and practice time, providing them with opportunities for in-depth, one-on-one instruction with fine arts faculty.
Arts Concentration in Music
The Arts Concentration in Music helps prepare advanced music students for success in college music programs. The Concentration in Music provides committed vocal and instrumental music students the opportunity to intensely concentrate on their artistic development. The students participate in weekly private music lessons, small ensemble rehearsals, solo performances, concerts and other events. Participation is by audition.
Arts Concentration in Theater
The Arts Concentration in Theater prepares advanced theater students for college theater programs and/or professional theatre pursuits. Committed participants interested in performance, directing, or technical theatre and design will be given special guidance and an arena in which to develop their craft. To participate in the program, students must participate in advanced classes, school productions, weekly directed study, and pursue some degree of external experiences in theatre as agreed upon with the faculty mentor.
Arts Concentration in Visual Arts
The Arts Concentration in Visual Arts is intended for juniors and seniors who plan to submit a portfolio for college admission. Students will learn the process of properly documenting and presenting their work for college admissions. To participate in the program, students must be enrolled in a visual arts course fall and spring semesters and participate in art exhibits.